Hello Everyone! Here is a list of the topics I will be covering for microbiology 1! When I took Microbiology it was a single class however, I feel there is enough information for me to split it into two sections. This is not a definitive list and is more of a guide to keep me on track.
Here is the link to an amazing FREE textbook: https://openstax.org/details/books/microbiology
An Invisible World
- Introduction
- Systematic Approach
- History
- Types of microorganisms
How we see the Invisible World
- Light
- microscopes
- staining
- laboratory techniques
The cell
- spontaneous generation
- modern cell theory
- prokaryotic cells
- eukaryotic cells
- habitats
- relationships
- microbiomes
- proteobacteria
- non-proteobacteria
- gram-negative bacteria
- phototropic bacteria
- gram-positive bacteria
- Archaea
- Unicellular eukaryotic parasites
- Parasitic Helminths
- Fungi
- Algea
- Lichens
Acellular Pathogens
- viruses
- viral life cycle
- isolation, culture, and identification of viruses
- viroids, virusoids, and prions
Microbial biochemistry
- Organic molecules
- carbohydrates
- lipids
- proteins
- Identification of microorganisms
Microbial Metabolism
- Energy, Matter, and Enzymes
- Catabolism of Carbohydrates
- Cellular Respiration
- Fermentation
- Catabolism of lipids and proteins
- photosynthesis
- biogeochemical cycles
Microbial Growth
- How microbes grow
- Oxygen and microbe growth
- pH and microbe growth
- temperature and microbe growth
- other environmental conditions
- growth media
Biochemistry of the genome
- DNA and microbiology
- RNA and microbiology
- Structure and function of the genome
Mechanisms of Microbial Genetics
- Functions of Genetic Material
- DNA replication
- RNA transcription
- Protein Synthesis or translation
- mutations
- asexual prokaryotes and genetic diversity
- operon theory
Modern applications of Microbial Genetics
- Genetic engineering
- Visualizing DNA, RNA and Protein
- whole genome methods
- Pharmaceutical applications
- gene therapy
Control of Microbial Growth
- Physical methods
- chemicals
- effectiveness of antiseptics and disinfectants